About Professor Paul Chatrath
- Proxime Accessit to the University of London Gold Medal (Final MBBS, 1995)
- 20 years experience in ENT Surgery; 10 years experience as consultant with special interest in rhinoplasty and facial plastic surgery both in NHS and private sectors
- Visiting Professor of Rhinology, Canterbury Christ Church University, Kent
- Assessor, Cosmetic Surgery Revalidation Panel, Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Ear reconstruction and rhinoplasty, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam (Oct-Nov 2006)
- Complex rhinoplasty and nasal reconstruction, University of Chicago, USA (August 2005)
Memberships of relevant cosmetic organisations:
- British Rhinology Society
- Facial Plastic Surgery (UK)
- European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery
- Full certification in cosmetic surgery for rhinoplasty and pinnaplasty, Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Review on Otoplasty. ENT News 2006; 14(6): 53-55
- Non-invasive Assessment and Symptomatic Improvement of the Obstructed Nose (NASION): a physiology-based patient-centred approach. Clin Oto 2016; 41:327-340
- Endoscopic-guided injection of botulin toxin into the cricopharyngeus muscle: Our Experience. J Laryngol Otol 10/2015; 129(10):990-995.
- A prospective, single blind, crossover study comparing three nasal hygiene systems and corresponding patient preference for such devices. J Laryngol Otol 2014; 14(1): 1-5
- Facial asymmetry. Archives Facial Plastic Surgery 2007; 9(3): 184-187
- Endoscopic Repair of Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea Using Bone Pâté. Laryngoscope 2006; 116(6): 1050-1054
- An instrument for precise cartilage excision in nasal septal surgery. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2006; 56(4): 467-468
- Malignant Melanoma of the Nose, Indian J Otol Head Neck Surg 2004; 56(1): 59-62